Wellcome to EBM group

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เฉลย formulate answerable question

¨Therapy - Systematic Review
You admit a 75 year old man with a stroke (left sided weakness) who is having trouble ambulating, feeding, bathing and dressing himself. He has hypertension but it is well controlled with a diuretic. He is otherwise well and now that he is medically stable you decide after discussion with him to transfer him to a stroke unit. His family asks to see you because they are concerned about this transfer. They live very close to the acute care hospital and wonder why he can't stay on the general medical ward where he currently is. You arrange to meet with him and his family to discuss their concerns. In the meantime, you decide to review the evidence for the use of stroke units.
¨What clinical questions could you ask?

¨Patient or Problem: 75 year old man with a stroke and residual weakness
¨Intervention: Admission to a stroke unit
¨Comparison Intervention: General care
¨Outcome: Functional status
Question: In an elderly man with a stroke, does admission to a stroke unit decrease the risk of death and dependency? Note: there are other variations of this question; we could have asked about a different outcome such as death.

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